Cougar Gaming collaborating with Instagram Influencers
Cougar Gaming collaborating with Instagram Influencers.
Cougar Gaming is a gaming peripheral and cases brand which targets a worldwide audience.
Cougar is always looking to work alongside gaming/tech enthusiasts to get their reaction, feedback, and review on their products, as well as appeal to their fan base/target audience.
Influencer Marketing is a great way to send your products out to leading influencers that have a presence in your particular industry and can share their thoughts with their fanbase. This in turn, generates confidence in your brand which will convert to valuable customers who are interested in your products.
- 49% of consumers depend on influencer recommendations
The Plan:
Collaborating with different UK influencers to promote the brand to their loyal audiences. These influencers have different audiences and types of content on their pages:
Matthew Dilkes' (i_am_milkes) content includes photos of his gaming setup, gaming product photography, with an audience that is more aesthetically focused with gaming, an audience that is more interested in products that look good as well as their benefits for the ‘gaming environment’. He also has a closer ‘friend’ connection with his audience, where he will share his life and his personal story with others through his posts.
Finn White's (techsharpp) content includes more PC focused and build focused photography with a more in-depth overview of PC components. He is a PC builder and reviewer. His audience is more focused on what is powerful for PC gaming and his relationship with his audience is more as a brand than as an individual.
The Execution…
Once we established what Cougar was seeking for in influencers, we made it our mission to find the right influencers who created content that tailored with Cougar’s brand well. With a thorough search, we found two ideal influencers with broad fan base and followers. After communicating back and forth with the influencers and Cougar Gaming to sign off on everything, we've requested that they deliver a specific amount of content on different platforms.
Cougar’s choice with working with influencers helped with their brand awareness and getting their products out there. This is a terrific way to showcase your brand and show your audience why they should pick your brand over your competitors. By doing this, the engagement on Matthew’s post on Cougar product reviews received, 778 likes and 43 comments and Finn’s post received 1141 likes and 37 comments.
This goes to show working with Influencers helped get Cougar’s brand noticed more and attract traffic to their website.
- Influencer Marketing is the fastest growing online customer-acquisition method